Week 10 Recap
Hi there all '
23 Things' participants. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and if you are out jogging at this moment, we hope you have an audio book on your mp3 player! (tackling
'Thing 22')If you need some inspiration to 'stick' with this program, just take a look at the comments from
THOSE who have completed the '23 Things' (**** indicates the person has completed the course) How about offering them some congratulations on their success ?
Here are few more comments to inspire you:
"Most of what I saw was shared by people a lot younger than me, but I can see how we should be creating a much more interactive website for our own library"
"my great thanx to YPRL for the opportunity. There should be more of it! Oh and most of all, thanks to River'sEdge for getting me started on the program. Wouldn't have known much about how to go about it if you hadn't shown me what to do"
"Wow!!what a challenge and an incredible experience.I truly doubted I could do this program but was determined to have a go"We hope that the holiday break may have freed up a bit more time to tackle 'The 23 Things' so keep plugging away. Our celebration party and draw for the laptop is just down the Road.
As New Years Eve approaches, we hope you have a great one and we look forward to continuing with our Learning in 2007. There are some great ideas coming out of the Blogs for ways to use these Web 2.0 technologies in our libraries. Keep them coming!!
Denise and Lynette.
Week 9 Recap
If ever we needed confirmation that this program was on the right track we only have to look at Time Magazines
'Person of the Year' it's YOU !Take a bow everybody in the Learning 2.0 Program.A quote from the article:
"This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding, not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person. It's a chance for people to look at a computer screen and really, genuinely wonder who's out there looking back at them"
Social networking becomes the norm!
It is great to see our staff bloggers uncovering new and interesting resources.
This Book Lovers Wiki was uncovered by one of our participants.
Princeton Public Library has used one of the FREE Wiki hosting sites PBWiki
Another WIKI worth a look is the American Library Association 'Tips' Wiki.
For those up to the Audio Book 'Thing' please use our Alternative option to Net Library to address 'Thing #22"
Our Staff are all at various stages along the Learning 2.0 Program and its great to see you helping each other move through each 'Thing'!
For those of you still contemplating the jump into Blogging and Learning 2.0 technologies, give it a go, you just don't know where it may lead you.
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
Mark Twain
Denise and Lynette
Week 8 Recap
One of the best parts of co-ordinating the Yarra Plenty Online Learning program is reading our
Participants blogs Staff are really getting into the swing of Blogging now, when just a few short months ago they may never have seen or heard of a Blog.
Staff have blogged this week about:
Library Thing: "
I suggest all our borrowers should access this facility. How many times have we been asked for a list of past loans that a borrower has had?? This way they could keep track of their own titles"
Del.icio.us: "Being able to access "favourites" anywhere anytime is also a big plus factor for staff members, particularly part timers who have to share computers"
Blogs are the glue that holds our Learning Program together, we follow the program through the
PLCMC and Yarra Plenty Online Learning Blogs, using RSS Feeds in
Bloglines we are able to access some amazing Blogs for further learning and just having fun.
The latest 2.0 'Things' are showcased through the Blogs of our Teachers and Peers.
An interesting use of Mashups popped up on the
Allen County Public Library Blog, Fort Wayne, Indiana. What a great way to Browse, check out their
Book Wall.For those of you moving into 'Thing' #20
Youtube, check out the
PLCMC Learning Blog and watch Helene Blowers, the marvelous architect of this learning program as she delivers her final address to her staff and draws the winner of 'their' Laptop !! Yarra Plenty even gets a mention, woo hoo !!
Well done in this weeks efforts, it's great to see your enthusiasm.
Denise and Lynette.
Week 7 Recap
More Happy Bloggers are starting to climb aboard our Library 2.0 Bullet Train and it's great to see the enthusiasm for Learning.
One of our Bloggers is happy to be at the halfway point
"Yay! More than half way through my 23 things to learn. It's downhill all the way now."
New Library 2.0 'Things' are popping up each day via the RSS Feeds, here are a couple more:
Thing #10 Image Generator sites:
For Flickr users, a new mashup site called
Dumpr : fun with FlickrEltham Library in a Gallery, whatever next! How about a picture of the dog, cat or your mother in law?
Try out your ideas at
Image Chefor create your own motivational poster like the one above at
Big Huge Labs
Thing #22 Here is another site for MP3 Audio downloads:
LibrivoxTo find more RSS Feeds about Libraries try:
LibwormWhat is the library world talking about? unconferences? screencasts?
Keep moving forward with Learning 2.0
Denise and Lynette