
Week 10 Recap

Hi there all '23 Things' participants. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and if you are out jogging at this moment, we hope you have an audio book on your mp3 player! (tackling 'Thing 22')

If you need some inspiration to 'stick' with this program, just take a look at the comments from THOSE who have completed the '23 Things' (**** indicates the person has completed the course) How about offering them some congratulations on their success ?

Here are few more comments to inspire you:
"Most of what I saw was shared by people a lot younger than me, but I can see how we should be creating a much more interactive website for our own library"

"my great thanx to YPRL for the opportunity. There should be more of it! Oh and most of all, thanks to
River'sEdge for getting me started on the program. Wouldn't have known much about how to go about it if you hadn't shown me what to do"

"Wow!!what a challenge and an incredible experience.I truly doubted I could do this program but was determined to have a go"

We hope that the holiday break may have freed up a bit more time to tackle 'The 23 Things' so keep plugging away. Our celebration party and draw for the laptop is just down the Road.

As New Years Eve approaches, we hope you have a great one and we look forward to continuing with our Learning in 2007. There are some great ideas coming out of the Blogs for ways to use these Web 2.0 technologies in our libraries. Keep them coming!!

Denise and Lynette.


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